Tomorrow is a new day.
Tomorrow is a new month.
I am going to be doing a lemon detox day. On the program I did three or five day detoxes. This time, I am only doing one. I know my body more now. I know that my body can only handle one. My family and my marriage can only afford for me to do one day! I am hoping that this will help jump start me back to where I need to be. I have given in to my selfish desires too much over the past seven months. It is time for a little denial.
I know a
Here are my 7:
1. Refined Sugar
2. Carbonated beverages
3. Coffee
4. Tea
5. Cheese
6. Chips
7. Chick-Fil-A Fries
If you know me at all, you know the last one is the one that probably hurts the most. To be honest, they all are hard to give up. Otherwise, why would they be on my list. I am excited, yet scared to do this. I don't know why. I did it before. Maybe it was different then because it was life or death for me. Now, it is just living or living healthy. That is still a big choice to make. Self denial is never fun. I can do this.
Do you want to do this with me? If so, please let me know. Let's have some accountability! We always do better when we have someone checking up on us. Shoot me an email at if you are interested in joining me on this month long 7 experiment.
Here is the homeschool mom in me. What do you think the outcome will be? My hypothesis is that I will be feeling better. I will have more energy (even with out the coke and coffee). I will see my skin clearing up.
If you are not called to join me by physically doing the 7 experiment, then please join in praying for me as I go on this journey.