Friday, August 6, 2010

Out of Our Mouths

Our words are so important. I don't think we realize how much so. They can bring life or death, a blessing or a curse, good or evil.

Matthew 12:34-37 tells that we will have to give account to God for all our careless words, and that we will be either acquitted or condemned by our words.

How powerful! I pray that my words would be few and thoughtful. If out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34), then I need to examine my heart sometimes...okay, a lot of the time.

David prayed "Create in me a clean heard, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10) How often do we actually pray this and mean it? Not that often. Our words that we speak to our spouses, our children, coworkers, family, friends, and even strangers shows the condition of our heart. I know that I need a heart check-up.

My challenge to you and myself is to schedule that heart check-up with the Great Physician. Ask Him to search, and find any evil thoughts. How about bitterness? I'm sure none of us have any of that laying around in there. Or dare I even say the word...anger? There are so many different "heart conditions" that could be effecting our words. We need to take care of those conditions now! They only get worse as time goes on if left unchecked, just like our physical hearts.

Speak life to someone today.